5.1 Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 5.2, Passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility are not refused carriage on the basis of such disability or reduced mobility. Acceptance for carriage of young persons traveling alone, incapacitated persons, pregnant women persons with illness, blind or visually impaired person, or other people requiring special assistance is subject to specific prior agreement with us pursuant to our Regulations.

5.2.1 If you will need special assistance because of a disability or reduced mobility, you must tell us about your needs when you make your booking, or as soon as you become aware that you will need special assistance. This must be at least 48 hours before the scheduled departure time.  We will then do everything reasonably possible to check whether, for safety reasons, we could not allow you on the flight and, if so, whether we could propose an acceptable alternative.

5.2.2 Under EC Regulation 1107/2006, we may refuse to allow a disabled person or a person with reduced mobility on the plane only if:

  • this is necessary to meet any safety requirements that apply; or
  • the size of the plane or its doors makes it physically impossible for the person to take the flight.

5.2.3 If, after being given notice of any special assistance you need, we agree to you taking the flight, we will provide the special assistance in line with EC Regulation 1107/2006. If we do not allow you on the booked flight, we will offer you and any person who would be travelling with you a refund or alternative arrangements, as set out the applicable Passenger Rights Regulations, as long all relevant safety requirements are met.